The Digital Experience Hub GROHE X digitises the sanitary industry



Unique in the sanitary industry: A digital experience platform based on Sitecore for a 360-degree experience of the GROHE brand.

Together with IBM iX, GROHE launches a multimedia brand experience – tailor-made for their customer groups.

As one of the leading sanitary suppliers, GROHE participates in the most important events in the industry. When the Corona pandemic made physical meetings difficult, the company needed its own virtual brand presence. Together with IBM iX and agency partner VOK DAMS, GROHE created a Digital Experience Hub that offers target group-specific multimedia content related to the brand. With Sitecore’s personalisation technology, the customer experience reaches a level that goes far beyond a physical trade fair presence.

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The Digital Experience Hub marks a milestone in GROHE’s brand history.

A digital home for the future of water

From trade fair alternative to digital ecosystem

The project was intended to be more than just a trade fair replacement and to replicate personal communication at a physical event as closely as possible. Together with IBM iX, a personalised user experience (UX) with multimedia content was created in the IBM Garage™. This is aimed at business partners and consumers worldwide in various languages – live and digital.

The idea: a first launch in March 2021 through a hybrid event format with a live streaming offering that forms the foundation for a constantly growing library of video content around GROHE ’s design and product world. A live multilingual broadcast streamed via IBM Watson Media during launch week, combined with Sitecore XPTM’s personalised customer experience, provides a customised interaction with the GROHE brand.

The ultimate customer experience with Sitecore Experience Platform™

In a 6-month project, GROHE X was created – a Digital Experience Hub for the entire EMENA region that is unique in the sanitary industry. The biggest challenge in the project involved the agile organization and synchronisation of the different project areas such as content production, video broadcast, cloud infrastructure, invitation management, and platform development.

The technical infrastructure consists of IBM’s live video streaming and video hosting technology IBM Watson Media, in combination with Sitecore Experience Platform™(XP). Sitecore XP™ combines real-time information and data, analytics, AI, and marketing automation to deliver personalised content to customers throughout the customer journey – anytime and in any channel. With a high-performing CMS, websites and content for multiple countries can be managed from one central location.

A milestone in brand history

GROHE X is a first-of-its-kind platform, adapted to modern communication requirements: innovative, dialogic, and targeted as a showroom, advisor, and contact platform in one. The Experience Hub enables GROHE, as a pioneer in its industry, to react flexibly to the rapid developments in the market and B2B communication. The Hub is one of the most important investments in GROHE’s digital future and only the beginning of a new brand experience concept that will drive the dialog with customers in the coming years.


To a new level of customer engagement in 6 months

Since the launch of the Digital Experience Hub in March 2021, 35,000 visitors and 70,000 views of the digital events and videos have been registered in the first week alone. In addition, 4,000 customer meetings took place on GROHE X. With the new hub, GROHE’s digital journey has only just begun. Already now, the innovative Experience Hub has been honoured triple: With the Red Dot Award Brands & Communication 2021 in the category “Digital Solutions”, the Digital Communications Award 2021 and the Galaxy Award 2021.



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