Moovster: A digital service that reinvents mobility

Smartphone with Moovster app open

In order to solve urban traffic problems, mobility must be completely redefined. Moovster, a BMW Group spin-off, has therefore developed a mobility-as-a-service platform in conjunction with BMW.

Via an app, Moovster rewards users for their urban mobility behaviour in the form of an incentive programme, and paves the way for flexible, sustainable and intelligent mobility in cities. The new service was created in an agile collaboration in the IBM Garage, a unique co-creation method for bringing new business models to life.

Three smartphone screens showing different pages of the Moovster app

We make more out of your mobility

Urban mobility must become more intelligent

People with sustainable mobility behaviour are not currently rewarded for their environmental awareness. Company employees also lack flexibility when it comes to mobility options. Many employers only offer company cars or season tickets for local public transport. Most cities are also faced with traffic jams and an outdated transport infrastructure.

A flexible, digital mobility budget

Moovster is based on the idea of bringing together mobility, a connected lifestyle and e-commerce on one platform. It is based on trends and technologies such as sharing, multimodal mobility, digitisation and artificial intelligence

Via the Moovster app, users receive exclusive benefits for their mobility behaviour like discounted rates and special offers from brand partners in the form of an incentive programme. Those who make flexible use of all the mobility options in a city and travel in a particularly sustainable manner receive the most rewards. In addition, Moovster provides companies with a simple service solution that they can use to provide their employees with a flexible mobility budget. Employees can use this budget to put together their own customised solutions from various transport options – an attractive alternative to the company car or traditional season ticket for local public transport. Moovster takes over the complete management of the mobility budget for companies and employees with its automated and intuitive solution.

Mobility of the future – fewer traffic jams and greater quality of life

Moovster provides flexibility, saves money for the user and rewards sustainable and active mobility behaviour in cities. The multi-faceted platform combines on-demand mobility and commerce, thereby creating a win-win situation for citizens, companies and cities. The main elements of the Moovster platform were developed on the IBM Cloud.

But this is just the beginning: Moovster will provide further services based on IBM technologies to address the issue of urban mobility holistically and make it smarter for everyone. Using IBM Watson’s artificial intelligence, Moovster can make suggestions to users that simplify their mobile life in the city.

Ein Mann fährt auf einem Fahrrad auf einem schmalen Weg, daneben fließt ein Fluss


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